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        “Vision 2030: Strategic Plan” is a tool that California for the Arts and California Arts Advocates have developed to provide strategic focus to the organizations for the next six years.

        Starting in 2023, the Board and Staff of both organizations embarked on a systematic process, aided by consultants, to define, refine, and clarify the strategies that will guide our work. With this in mind, we started by engaging a number of internal and external stakeholders to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunity areas, and public perceptions of both organizations, as well as the most relevant challenges faced by the arts and culture sector in California. We interviewed people in different sectors and with varied perspectives; surveyed prior and current Board members; conducted a vision and values workshop with Staff and Board members; and created a Task Force that developed and refined the strategic plan’s goals, objectives, and outcomes. We consulted with external stakeholders in order todeepen and sharpen our focus on racial and cultural equity, and refined the language used throughout the document together until we found the precise meaning of our ideas. The result is this document, which was approved and adopted by the Board on June 20th, 2024.

        One of the most important ideas that we developed as part of this effort was our approach to Racial and Cultural Equity. We knew from the beginning that we needed to be unapologetically true to ourselves and define a vision that we can fully stand behind. Racial Equity is foundational to our work and how we seek to understand inequitable systems that continue permeating our societies as we work to design policy systems that center equity and belonging. We know that public policy has historically been used to oppress, exclude, and deny access to opportunity for many people with different identities and circumstances and redesigning such systems to be inclusive and equitable guides our practice in the field. We also recognize that the meaning of equity is continually evolving, and we commit ourselves to keep a finger on the pulse of what our communities seek and need and the language they use to describe these needs. We share the ultimate goal of an arts and culture sector in California where everybody can thrive regardless of their identities or circumstances.

        Racial and Cultural Equity

        We recognize that race has and continues to be a central form of inequity in systems that have used it to construct unjust practices. At the same time, understanding the structural elements of racism allows us to also understand other forms of exclusion and inequity based on the intersection of other identities and circumstances. Racial equity is a foundational concept that guides our understanding of inequities in the arts and culture field, and at the same time, we apply this understanding to develop a cultural equity perspective that guides our work in the field.

        Executive Summary

        Our first step in the planning process was to clarify the vision we seek to realize and provide meaning to our work.

        The vision that will guide our work for the next six years is:

        We understand arts and culture as essential to the wellbeing of society and intrinsic to community life. We advocate for policies where arts and culture is embedded within broader policy change to reshape systems toward equity and justice. We advance racial and cultural equity to ensure diverse forms of artistic and cultural expression are included and supported in public policy. We envision a world where artists, community-centered arts and culture, and culture bearers are celebrated so everyone thrives and has a sense of belonging.

        From this vision emerges the following organizing principles that provide the North Star for both organizations to grow and achieve our missions:

        • We understand arts and culture or artists and culture bearers as essential to the wellbeing of society and embedded in community life and advocate for policies where arts, culture and creativity intersect with broader policy change (housing, creative workforce, health, and climate) to reshape systems toward equity and justice.
        • We partner with organizations, organizers, community-centered arts and culture, culture bearers, and local networks, recognizing community knowledge and lived experiences advocating for policies that strengthen economic, heritage, communal, and recreational creative activities.

        Mission Statement

        California for the Arts (CA for the Arts) champions arts and culture as essential to vibrant California communities through statewide programming, services, and advocacy networks that foster public awareness and generate resources to cultivate an equitable and thriving arts and cultural workforce sector and creative industries.

        Mission Statement

        California Arts Advocates (CA Arts Advocates) is a comprehensive lobbying organization for the arts, culture, and creative industries, working to influence equitable and just system change through public policy and public investment.



        We declare that racial and cultural equity is foundational to our work in the field. We strive to understand how race continues playing a role in the oppression of our communities, and how those systems permeate the exclusion of other groups. We advocate for the redistribution of power and resources so all our communities can thrive and develop a sense of belonging.


        We hold ourselves, public agencies, and those that hold power accountable to the diverse constituents that we serve while being open to receive and consider feedback from others.


        We build a coalition toward an inclusive and accessible movement and unified message to mobilize the cultural sector and creative workforce toward policy change.


        We create space and different entry points for all kinds of people to engage as advocates and actively work to reduce barriers to participation in meaningful, relevant, and impactful ways.


        We care about each other and adopt practices that allow each one of our internal and external stakeholders to rest, seek repair, and bring their whole selves to the work we do together.

        2030 Goals


        Advance the creative workforce through racial and cultural equity in our programming, research and data analysis, policy development, coalition building, and shared leadership.


        Mobilize artists, culture bearers, creative workers, and community-centered arts and culture with other aligned sectors to develop public policies where arts and culture serve as drivers of community health and economic development.


        Develop a local and regional approach to arts and culture advocacy that emphasizes the empowerment and self-determination of artists, culture bearers, creative workers and community-centered arts and culture to build regional advocacy networks.


        Invest in organizational growth and sustainability by developing and improving internal systems and processes, financial strategies, and human-centered approaches toward a culture of care.


        Define organizational directions and address the structural needs of CA For The Arts and CA Arts Advocates as symbiotic organizations.

        Organizational Objectives

        Systems Change

        We understand the arts and culture as essential to society's well-being and embedded in community life. We advocate for policies where the arts and culture intersect with broader policy change (housing, creative workforce, health, and climate) to reshape systems toward equity and justice.


        We partner with organizations, organizers, community-centered arts and culture, culture bearers, and local networks, recognizing community knowledge and lived experiences and advocating for policies that strengthen economic, heritage, communal, and recreational creative activities.


        We serve as a bridge between public policy and the arts and culture sector as we advocate for equitable public funding, thriving and sustainable conditions for creative workers and the creative economy, and other core policy priorities.


        We are a convener and thought collective in arts advocacy and policy that takes a regional approach, shares actionable and culturally-centered research and acts through cross-sector partnerships.


        We exchange actionable and insightful communications to expand public understanding of arts and culture, to platform the voices transforming the arts ecosystem, and to build an inclusive arts advocacy coalition.


        We connect communities and build coalitions across economic realities, geography, expertise, affinity, and identity that develop equitable visions of the future of arts, culture,and creative economy in California.


        We link field building, advocacy, and policy through the collaborative work of CA for the Arts and CA Arts Advocates.

        Learn More


        Access a PDF version of our Vision 2030.

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        Educating Californians on the value of the arts

        We’re circulating news, guides, and press on why the arts matter on a fundamental level.

        Engaging Californians to spread arts awareness

        We’re turning more Californians into advocates for the arts.

        Offering arts advocacy programs across the state

        We’re providing programs and resources for arts advocates.

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