
        +1 916-800-5881

        1731 Howe Avenue, Suite 585 Sacramento, CA 95805 | Email:


        Our Staff

        Julie Baker

        Chief Executive Officer

        NeFesha Yisra'el

        Director of Programs

        Tracy Hudak

        Director of Field Engagement

        Eduardo Robles

        Director of Communications

        Ted Russell

        Program Consultant Lead

        Teri Ball

        Project Manager

        L.T. Martinez

        Executive Liaison

        Jean Young

        Communications Coordinator

        Jennica Bisbee

        Field Engagement Coordinator

        Board Members

        Felicia Shaw

        CA for the Arts, President

        Executive Director

        San Diego ART Matters

        Jonathon Glus

        CA for the Arts, Vice President

        Executive Director

        City of San Diego Commission on Arts and Culture

        Cara Goger

        CA for the Arts, Secretary

        Executive Director

        Mariposa County Arts Council

        Nurit Siegel Smith

        CA for the Arts, Treasurer

        Executive Director

        Music Forward Foundation

        Jennifer Laine

        CA Arts Advocates, President

        Executive Director

        San Benito Arts Council

        Josiah Bruny

        CA Arts Advocates, Vice President


        Music Changing Lives

        Sean Fenton

        CA Arts Advocates, Secretary

        Executive Director

        Theatre Bay Area

        Edmund Velasco

        CA Arts Advocates, Treasurer

        President / AFM Delegate

        American Federation of Musicians - Local 7 Orange County

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