SB553 + Effective Workplace Violence Prevention Planning


September 11, 2024 |

July 1st was the first day that Workplace Violence Prevention measures were legally required to be in place for all California businesses with over 10 employees. Laws like this may be coming to your state in coming years, and being prepared is always a good idea. To enhance safety for all workers and to mitigate risks to organizations for fines and lawsuits, Performing Arts Readiness is offering a free informative webinar.

PAR, CFTA and Majestic Collaborations together with Cal/OSHA will walk through what you need to know, and how meeting the standards of the law can actually be a gateway for team-building and expanding your organization’s overall safety and creative resilience. We’ll share various interactive practices learned over our teams’s collective ninety years of work supporting performing arts organizations to increase their preparedness for emergencies.

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