Sacramento Region: Adapting In Crisis: Toward a Resilient Performing Arts Sector
August 18, 2023 | Californians for the Arts
Californians for the Arts, in partnership with local organizations, is holding four regional conversations to discuss the state of the nonprofit performing arts in California. In Sacramento we are working with The City of Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture, Latino Center for Arts and Culture, and Celebration Arts. Bringing together organization leaders and artists to discuss the current crisis, provide background on how we got here, what the current situation is including a recent data report, and how through public policies and resources, philanthropy and innovative business models we can move forward to a more sustainable and equitable future. Highlights of the program include a presentation on a recent report by CVL Economics on the state of California nonprofit performing arts, the introduction of the CA Nonprofit Paymaster Program, recent legislative efforts including SB1116, the advocacy needed to build awareness, and a panel discussion with local leaders on new approaches and resources needed to sustain live nonprofit performing arts in California.
Partners: City of Sacramento Office of Arts and Culture, Latino Center for Arts and Culture, and Celebration Arts.