The Culture and Heritage Capital (CHC) Programme, launched in 2021 by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), aims to create publicly available statistics and guidance that will allow for improved articulation of the value of the culture and heritage sectors. Central to the CHC Framework is the call for economic analysis within the culture and heritage sectors to extend beyond traditional measures of economic contribution. It advocates for a more holistic approach that captures the broader effects on societal wellbeing, sustainable development and the long-term enhancement of living standards.
As part of the CHC Programme, DCMS is developing a comprehensive framework to value culture and heritage assets (Sagger and Bezzano 2024), supporting and undertaking research to improve the evidence base and providing guidance on how to apply the results. Our work focuses specifically on valuing the health and wellbeing benefits of cultural and heritage engagement. Understanding these benefits allows for improved decision-making within the culture and heritage sectors and interventions in other sectors, such as transport and the environment, that may impact culture and heritage.
There is a growing body of evidence that illustrates the links between cultural and heritage engagement and health and wellbeing. Research by the World Health Organisation (WHO) from 2019 and University College London (UCL) has found that cultural engagement can help to prevent, treat and manage physical and mental health problems.