Summit 2024 - Sponsorship Package
ACCM Sponsors are our vital partners in elevating the visibility and impact of ACCM, developing and activating arts advocates, and educating the public and elected officials on the value that arts, culture and creative workers create in our state. With direct reach to over 20,000 engaged arts advocates in the State and networks to hundreds of thousands of arts organizations, creative businesses, arts workers, cultural bearers, elected officials, funders and arts patrons– your sponsorship puts you in front of committed and influential arts, culture and creative industries leaders.
If you want to reach motivated arts, culture and creative industry enthusiasts and if celebrating the creative workforce aligns with your values, then join us as a sponsor of one or all of our many activities throughout the month of April. Our dynamic suite of programming offers a multitude of opportunities to visibly align your company or organization with Arts, Culture, & Creativity Month. For more information on sponsorship opportunities please contact: nefesha@caforthearts.org