2025 CA Arts & Culture Summit
The 3rd annual CA Arts & Culture Summit's theme is dedicated to the vital role of arts and culture in promoting health, healing, and hope within our communities. This summit is a confluence of artists, cultural workers, advocates, and policymakers all united by a shared vision to connect and relate, guiding us into a space of belonging in our community practices. We will delve into innovative policies and programs that embed these principles into advocacy work, recognizing artists as essential "second responders" who facilitate community wellness and recovery.
This year’s ACCM programming and activations are shaped by the theme "Health, Healing, Hope," will explore the vital intersection of arts with community wellness and recovery while also emphasizing that Art Work is Real Work – building on our successful advocacy for artists as essential workers in our communities. “Art Work is Real Work.” Artists play an essential role in our daily lives with critical contributions across a variety of impact areas including health, education, housing, climate, youth development, and the economy. Help us amplify the message that artists and creatives are essential to California's well-being and economic prosperity.
Download our resources, amplify our social media campaigns, and sign up for advocacy opportunities across the state with the goal of raising awareness of the need to invest in creative workers and creative solutions. From the CA Arts & Culture Summit and Advocacy Day to press conferences, online conversations, and legislative meetings, we invite you to engage with us all month long!
Become a Sponsor!
Summit sponsors are our vital partners in elevating the visibility and impact of Arts, Culture, & Creativity Month (ACCM). Over the last five years, ACCM has built upon the momentum to support the sector's sustainability and to encourage Californians to value the arts as a critical component of their lives, thriving communities, and thriving economies. ACCM has impacted local municipalities and delegates from every region of CA and has seen over 60,000+ visits and views to the ACCM webpage.
For maximum visibility, we invite just one innovative partner to be a month-long exclusive ACCM Sponsor! With direct reach to over 25,000 engaged arts advocates in the State and networks to thousands of arts organizations, creative businesses, arts workers, cultural bearers, elected officials, funders, and art patrons– your sponsorship puts you in front of committed and influential arts, culture, and creative industries leaders and shows your commitment to valuing and recognizing the impact of arts, culture, & creativity to California.
Download our Sponsorship Packet and reach out to nefesha@caforthearts.org for more information on sponsorship opportunities.