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        Oakland Small Business Resiliency Fund

        Funding Opportunity

        East Bay Community Foundation (EBCF) is proud to launch the Oakland Small Business Resiliency Fund, a grant fund supporting diverse small businesses with a physical presence in Oakland. The Fund will provide a one-time infusion of grant capital to Oakland small businesses to boost their resiliency and ability to withstand and recover from the economic and community safety challenges they face or to build their capacity and readiness to take on other forms of capital and investments. 

        The Oakland Small Business Resiliency Fund is part of EBCF’s larger vision of an inclusive and just economy where all East Bay residents have the economic power and freedom to dream, heal, and belong. Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy, creating jobs, ownership opportunities, and economic activity, stability, and wealth creation in communities of color. Small businesses also contribute to the culture, vibrancy and health of Oakland’s diverse neighborhoods, providing gathering spaces, increasing foot traffic and community-building opportunities, and creating a sense of belonging. Today, small businesses in our region struggle with significant challenges limiting their growth and threatening their survival, such as safety issues, hiring shortages, lack of affordable commercial space, and barriers to accessing low-cost capital. 

        Diverse business owners (entrepreneurs of color and entrepreneurs that identify as women, non-binary, or transgender) face additional barriers, such as inequitable access to capital, culturally competent technical and technological assistance and mentors, networks, contracting opportunities, and other resources.

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